Things That Go Bump In the NightOver the past several days a rather interesting set of circumstances has been put forth by some of you. I was unaware of the depth and magnitude of this particular situation and would like to learn a little more. Oh, I was aware of the onslaught of pornography sent via PM’s by certain individuals and I knew that there were a few that seemed to constantly defend this person without obvious reason, but I didn’t realize anyone took him seriously. It is now apparent that I was very mistaken.
To better understand the reality of this situation, I would like to get your input. That input might give us all an idea of what has been happening behind the scenes and it also may serve as a lesson to those that might be vulnerable to such cyber relationships.
If you would be so kind as to answer a few questions, I'm sure the readers of this blog would much appreciate your time and effort. Or, we will all have a helluva good time talking about this one!
What is the tactic used to gain your confidence?
How quickly is the move made to take things to a more personal level, i.e. exchange of photographs, telephone calls, etc.?
Does it quickly turn into an “on-line physical” relationship, or does this Casanova play with emotions first?
Has it ever gone beyond the fantasy and entered into real life with meetings arranged?
If so, what was the outcome?
No names are necessary and this is a very informal look at this part of cyber life. Don’t hold back!
As always, all comments do not reflect my opinions or knowledge of the subject matter. With that said, I am going to open up the comment section for all and will take out the trash later.
That certainly was interesting! lol It is clear bad feelings have been developed across the World Wide Web and the divide will only widen, if some of these issues are not resolved.
Comments are now back under moderation and will require my approval before being posted. Again, I will ask that some of you watch the language, because the use of certain words and phrases will kill your post even if you have made a very good point. Put it into this context: “Would I mind if a child were to look over my shoulder and see these words?”
Carry on and I will process comments later today. This is one of those rare days that God gives us in my part of the world and it deserves to be enjoyed to its full extent!
- Mike -
He is the most charming man I ever met on the internt and I love to hear his voice.
Listen guys, I planned to leave the comments open tonight, because I won’t be around for a while. I thought I had a mature crowd here that knew how to behave and that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m going to mop up a little and let things continue until I get back. I will check in later, so please use a little decency. Is that too much to ask?
Wow - It appears that the truth really hurts! Otherwise why the name calling?
Take off your blinders BFN!
Well since comments are open and I'm sure mine will be one of the first taken out when the landlord gets back let me take the time right now to say, sometimes in life you are lucky enough to meet a person that gives from their heart. why are some of these "women" mad? because he would not lie to them and tell them what they wanted him to say. He is a good man and I am proud to know him. He fights for what he believes in and does not back down.
The stuff you have allowed here Mike has shown who you are are not fair or balanced, in fact you are an egotistical ass..but yen and yang I guess the world needs assholes so we can appreciate when we see a man who's not we can recognize it and be thankful.
Do you know what you blog has taught me though? That just because someone is nice to you does not mean that they are not plotting to throw a knife in your back the first chance they can get. To some of you Anons that have been having fun.. you are posting so much I have figured out who you are by what you are saying..not that it was any revelation to me though.
Just looks like we have some jealous posters over here.
snipped*why are some of these "women" mad? because he would not lie to them and tell them what they wanted him to say.
Thats not true in my case. He pretended to be a friend to me when all he wanted was photos and naughty PMs. He did his best to lure me back to "the couch".
No, I am not jealous. :) I could be there today if I wanted to. And you people do not intimidate me anymore. Did you take great pleasure in tormenting me on your blog?
So glad you are no longer intimidated. Did BFN make you a stronger person?
No I think Natasha got stronger after she gave up the failed blackmail attempts.
You know Natasha is not lying.
Crude and disgusting PM's from Reality have been forwarded to you.
Why are you lying?
Anonymous said...
So glad you are no longer intimidated. Did BFN make you a stronger person?
Yes, it did but first it scared the hell out of me.
Is that what Reality is telling you? That I blackmailed him, with what?
OMG - This is too funny!
GAGIRL KNOWS who the anonymous posters are! Um, SOOOOOOOOOOOOO??? Even if you do, which I am positive that you have no clue! What the hell does your comment mean?
I love you gagirl!
gagirl, do you share passwords with Reality?
I love you as well!
NO Gagirl I'm not into Mexican men.
How are things in San Diego? Weather in Bailey, Colorado is great!
Click over to Lois Castillo's Web site at lol
Blah, blah, blah. Hilarious how a few bloggers know all about what goes on at BFN. Is there a clue bus for some of them to ride? I think there are a few here who need to GET A CLUE. Natalee is missing and the people you disrespect have worked hard to help her family. Then again, I am sure this means NOTHING to you.
The few you suggest are so helpful have also chased away many posters who support the family.
Actually Natasha, Reality said you were a nice person but you were being intimidated by some people who were messing with you.
Look the person that started this thread, dishes it out, and then can't take it. People should be ALLOWED to defend themselves. Exactly what gagirl is doing.
I tip my hat to her, and she knows I love her as well. For the rest of you hatemongers... well, you know what you can do with yourself.
Mr Castillo said he understands it's all part of the modeling business, although he does get annoyed every once in a while. "It's irritating some of the time to see something obvious, like when they ask about escorting or nudes,"
So he pimped you out lol
The jealousy is seeping through the computer. HELP!
dumbass snip a quote why dont you?
gagirl you said yourself that I was the joke of the forum, do you remember that?
Gagirl has probably made thousands of posts. You said yourself that you are stronger. GET OVER IT!
"Blah, blah, blah. Hilarious how a few bloggers know all about what goes on at BFN......."
Yeah you ran off all of the good people who tried to help out of the kindness of their hearts. Perhaps some housekeeping needs to be done at BFN. Maybe, just maybe, the ones who truly cared would come back. It is getting boring really to keep hearing over and over that it is all about Natalee, because everyone knows that is not the truth. In the begining maybe. Not anymore. Why doesn't BFN stop disrespecting the good posters of its site?
Sad really sad.
Anonymous said...
Gagirl has probably made thousands of posts. You said yourself that you are stronger. GET OVER IT!
March 23, 2007 9:22 PM
Get over what?
When was the last time you posted something about Natalee? When was the last time you researched in order to help her case. Have you researched for weeks to try and find one bit of information that might help?
I just hope Gagirl is "still" resigned as a moderator. If so, there is some remote glimmer of hope that BFN could eventually be rehabilitated to a place of support in the pursuit of truth and justice for Natalee. A mere few more to leave and the place can be saved.
I think Gagirl has had an agenda with Reality all along and it had nothing to do with Natalee beyond railroads anyway.
So. Puh-lease tell me Gagirl's "beg me to stay" ploy has failed FINALLY?
A Mariah Carey look a like in you much younger days, not anymore your done girl. Your a old hag now.
The clue bus is out front, time to get on it.
When was the last time you posted something about Natalee? When was the last time you researched in order to help her case. Have you researched for weeks to try and find one bit of information that might help?
March 23, 2007 9:26 PM
Is this why I was harassed away from the forum, becuz you felt I had not done enuff research. Was it not enuff that I very much care about the fate of Natalee Holloway?
Natasha, you are talking to the wrong person. I don't even remember you at BFN.
RE: I just hope Gagirl is "still" resigned as a moderator. If so, there is some..."
OMG - This is the post of the night. I so agree with you. I have always thought the same thing. Everyone tried to tell Debbie, but we can all see how well that worked out. The "beg me stay" baloney is getting old too. Really old.
BFN= Blogs for Debbie's followers. What FEW are posting there talk about nothing. There are times in your life to let things go. Debbie, your time has come to back away. You're the most hated person on the internet.
"OMG - This is the post of the night. I so agree with you. I have always thought the same thing. Everyone tried to tell Debbie, but we can all see how well that worked out. The "beg me stay" baloney is getting old too. Really old."
We have some sick people here tonight folks. Come in and watch the show. Ten dollars at the door, please.
Natasha, you are talking to the wrong person. I don't even remember you at BFN.
March 23, 2007 9:34 PM
Whether or not you remember me is not the point.
If you expect to get rational explanations from gagirl or Reality, forget it.
Never argue with a fool, they will lower you to their level and then beat you with experience.
Im not arguing, I am trying to understand.
Natasha, hon please move on. gagirl doesn't give a shit about you, or anyone exept herself.
Maybe GaGIRL is Reality's alter-ED ego?
LOL No Im not moving on, I want to see what shes gonna say next.
You certainly know lots about everyone. Are you an alter ego?
Good night, BFN-Natalee and her family bashers. You are sick, sick people. I am sure you won't lose a wink of sleep over what you have said here tonight.
Huh? Why no GoodNight to me? :/
What we really need here to just round this out is:
Earl to come "quote everyone else's comments" and correct their spelling or otherwise add nothing whatsoever to the conversation beyond his own limited critical attitude.
Rammstein to come and explain that while Aruba may be corrupt it is impossible that any Judges or the Prosecutor share in said possible shady-doings since they are all Dutch and therefore cannot possibly be involved in corruption.
Reality can come tell us the "answers lie in MB" then proceed to PM all women with lude invitations.
MV to come along and attack any comments against Rammstein's defenses with a good swing at any American veteran's or their surviving family members.
Happy, of course, can come and copy verbatum every piece of slime he read anywhere today so long as it is against Natalee personally but of course needs to be a post that is at least twelve months old and completely debunked long ago.
Debbie then need only come to ignore any of the above that might not be in support of finding truth or justice and threaten (without intending a word of it) to quit because she has "just done this all for Natalee" and beg us to "play nice." Oh and be sure to explain to any feelings you step on that you aren't anyone's "friend" since you are only here for the family.
Then, ta da, the stage will be ready for Miss Gagirl to come along and alter posts, cry, whine, quit then come back and ban all of us.
Oh sorry. This isn't BFN is it? But gee whiz Easy for a bunch of people "who don't care what your blog says" there sure seems to be a lot of them here.
Oh. I almost forgot. Aunt Cindy needs to giggle now and say how funny she thinks Reality is, how hard Debbie works, etc, etc.
Well, I for one would never bash Natalee's family or her.
If you take criticism of BFN as bashing Natalee or her family, then you are sadly mistaken. I don't think anyone here has said one bad word about the family. What is being said here, is about BFN, its admin, and mods. There is a HUGE difference. Quit hiding behing the boring "BFN is all about Natalee" crap. Because that is what it is.
I have and will always support finding out the truth about what happened to Natalee Ann Holloway.
What I will not do is have any part of BFN, or its sick, disturbed, biased, pornographic, fake, lying, nasty, sneaky, dishonest, disrespectful, nasty mods and admin.
And oh.... did I mention LYING?
RE:What we really need here to just round this out is:
Earl to come "quote everyone else's comments" and......"
TOOO FREAKING FUNNY - But so TRUE. This has to be the new POST OF THE NIGHT!
Let me say this plain and simple. If you don't like BFN, then don't go there. If you do that, you sick people won't have anything to talk about, will you?
RE:What we really need here to just round this out is:
Earl to come "quote everyone else's comments" and......"
You forgot that Reality will never answer anyone's question of why he thinks that and then goes and deletes all of his posts and re-registers. What's up with that?
Anonymous said...
Let me say this, AGAIN, plain and simple. If you don't like BFN, then don't go there. If you do that, you sick people won't have anything to talk about, will you?
March 23, 2007 10:12 PM
Mike, you rockin tonight buddy! :)
I'm not surprised to read what's been posted here tonight. The sad part is, most all of it is true if not all of it.
I've seen Gagirl in action. She's not fair. It's her way or the highway. Her and Reality's net affair is disgusting.
I've seen Debbie in action and I agree she should step down.
Robin is pitiful. She's jealous of Beth and wants all of the attention that Beth's receiving. You went about it the wrong way Robin, now your a hated woman.
BFN hasn't been about Natalee for a long time. MOVE ON Debbers you're disgusting.
LindaK has the big head because she is a mod. She stinks and she knows it.
Yolibee and Brandi follow Debbie and tell her and everyone else how great Debbie is.
Debbie is an attention seeker. She's received attention alright. I agree she is the most hated person on the internet.
If you really want to help Natalee and keep her name in good standing, shut the doors to Blogs For Natalee. The site that has no meaning to anyone but Robin and Robin want attention.. Nothing but hate there now.
Sweetie (should be a familiar term to you).... Let me be Plain and simple - I'm not sure you have figured out who the "sick" ones are. Perhaps you need to step away from the computer (and cam) and go get some fresh air. It might do you some good!
Great, another freak who doesn't have to go to BFN. I am sure there are other sites where you will fit in.
RE: Let me say this plain and simple.
LOL, why are you here?
This has been a long time coming. Debbie and gagirl have to own what they have created now. I do hope they are both proud.
No one that has worked hard to help Natalee's family have to answer to people like you. They owe you nothing. Their time will be better spent on doing what they do best, keeping sick folks like you out of BFN.
Now you all have done it. You upset SandraK and she quit FOB....Tired of her lies too...Good riddence!
Anonymous said...
No one that has worked hard to help Natalee's family have to answer to people like you. They owe you nothing. Their time will be better spent on doing what they do best, keeping sick folks like you out of BFN.
I didn't see anything here asking them to ANSWER to any of us? Also, do you not see the ignorance of you coming here to tell us to not go there when we talk about what we experienced there that you read HERE. Talk about circular thinking SWEETIE. A better idea is YOU go away, or read and enjoy, but please shut-up with the Great BFN Defense.
And, judging from the INFORMED input here I think most of these people ARE supporters of Natalee and have spent a very very long time working in pursuit of truth and justice. But got SICK of the games at BFN.
Where is motormouth mitral valve...
Fugly know it all!
This one's for you:
Nah nah nah nah ..hey hey hey good bye!
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
No one that has worked hard to help Natalee's family have to answer to people like you. They owe you nothing. Their time will be better spent on doing what they do best, keeping sick folks like you out of BFN.
I didn't see anything here asking them to ANSWER to any of us? Also, do you not see the ignorance of you coming here to tell us to not go there when we talk about what we experienced there that you read HERE. Talk about circular thinking SWEETIE. A better idea is YOU go away, or read and enjoy, but please shut-up with the Great BFN Defense.
And, judging from the INFORMED input here I think most of these people ARE supporters of Natalee and have spent a very very long time working in pursuit of truth and justice. But got SICK of the games at BFN.
All I see is a bunch of cry babies. GET OVER IT! MOVE ON! GO ELSEWHERE! TAKE A WALK! LIVE LIFE! Just don't go to BFN, you will be happier.
BFN is the worst place to be a member of. I am proud to say I am no longer a member there. That place is filled with hate. It is NOT Blogs For Natalee. It hasn't been about Natalee for a long time. We all know that. People have built up so much hate for Debbie and Gagirl because they are not fair. They are not there for Natalee. It's all about worshiping Debbie. It's all about Reality and his sick games. Gagirl and her mid-life net affair.
I would like to see a nice forum open up where one can express what they really feel.
BFN is not for Natalee. They should be ashamed to have a place they claim is about Natalee.
I was smart enough to leave BFN shortly after I joined. Reality hacked my PM. Debbie says ignore Reality.
It's nothing but a game at BFN
Sam... you said it!!!
and Mike, this forum is so nice to have. The truth always comes out. It appears that it is really starting to flow.
Re: "... Just don't go to BFN, you will be happier."
And there is precisely where a large part of the problem lies.
Instead of cleaning up BFN, moderating out the trash like Reality, Happy, Earl, and MV, Debbie instead puts the "wolf" in charge of the hen house and affords her carte blanche to do just what you advocate here: Run off anyone who recognizes how WRONG these players here in their game to railroad truth and justice.
Rammstein has his uses and it is often reasonable to tolerate his prejudices. There is no excuse for the others.
But, just as you've said, run off anyone who points out the WRONG afterall it is better to play the game.
Many object to watching Robin, Debbie, the cause made prisoner to those who aid and abet. Those like YOU. What's the matter? I guess you know if you stand up for what really is right, you'll be gone too.
Yes, it sure has. THE SICKOS ARE HERE TONIGHT and that is the truth.
Debbie - How's that "reality" workin' out for ya?
Mike... you and your blog are like a breath of fresh HONEST air. (Finally)
Debbie, Reality, Gagirl, Robin, Ramm, MIP6 and all the followers should ask God for forgiveness.
Every good researcher that ever posted at BFN has left. There was never a thread that asked either one of them to come back to my knowledge.
Debbie does not care as long as she can be friends with Robin and Dave.
What Debbie doesn't know is that Robin has talked bad about Debbie to people on the phone. Yes Robin, it was YOU who talked BAD about Debbie. Remember what you asked people to do for you with regards to Debbie? The trust issue? I remember it very clear. You knew and know Debbie is a no account woman. She's out for a good time with her men and the games. What is your agenda Robin? You're not out of the woods my dear. You've talked to a lot of people and they have compared notes.
BFN needs to go away.
Debbie needs a Reality check, not that Reality. LOL
What I do not understand is if you don't like a site, why do you go there. What is it that you are looking for. There are so many other sites out there that you can go to. Have you even asked yourself this question? If you go to other sites, do you agree with everything that is said and done there? I am sure you don't. Is it because Robin, a wonderful family member goes there because she feels safe that you are jealous that she doesn't go to your sites? Look inside yourselves and figure out YOUR own problem. Just leave BFN alone.
Anonymous said...
What I do not understand is if you don't like a site, why do you go there.
Precisely MY question to YOU? If you don't like what we are saying why do you come read it?
Moth to the flame? Or is it the TRUTH you read here that just keeps pulling you back?
It angers me because BFN is suppose to be about Natalee and it is NOT and has NOT been about Natalee for a long time.
I do not go to BFN anymore. However, I read about what goes on there at RU & FOB. The games continue, WHY?
I want to see Natalee's case solved. Can BFN members say the same? I think NOT.
This case is serious, does BFN take it serious? NO!
Boy, the pot stirrers keep stirring!
If you do not like the people at BFN, then stay away.
Debbie is a good person. I have never heard her lash out the way people seem to be doing here tonight. Evil at its finest. Shame on you!
Quit talking about jealousy. NOBODY here from what I can see is jealous of ANYONE at BFN. Again - Take off your blinders and READ. Quit saying "leave BFN alone". Good grief, clean your house and nobody would talk about you. If you don't like the truth, then here's a thought - DON'T READ HERE!
Shame on Debbie! She is EVIL!
I do not visit BFN.
Debbie uses gagirl as her source for lashing out. ;)
Anonymous said...
Debbie is a good person. I have never heard her lash out the way people seem to be doing here tonight.
She only has a FEW followers left and soon they will leave.
BFN is a cult for Debbie.
Many a multi nic at BFN.
RE: Boy, the pot stirrers keep stirring!
I wish I could see things from your point of view, I just can't seem to get my head that far up my a$$!
Are all you followers going to drink Debbie's poison?
Destructive, doomsday cult!
Let me clue you in on something. ALL of these sites will continue, so you have to figure out where you fit in. Complain all you want, but BFN will not go away. So, get over it and move on. Stop crying and just move on.
RE: Boy, the pot stirrers keep stirring!
I wish I could see things from your point of view, I just can't seem to get my head that far up my a$$!
Take some exlax, you will unclog.
BFN= Blogs For Nonsense
Destructive, doomsday cult!
Read it and weep Debbie because we are onto you.
Blogs For Nuts
RE: BFN= Blogs For Nonsense
Or Blogs for Nothing, or Blogs for Norma Jean
Hey, those are good ones!
What we DO know is it's NOT for Natalee.
I really like the Blogs For Nuts, that fits them perfectly.
Who did Debbie lash out at...I missed it
I really like the Blogs For Nuts, that fits them perfectly.
hehehe...yes it does.
Good night, this has been a nice Mike. Thank you.
The truth shall set you free BFNuts.
We all know what BFNuts has become.
Debbie runs a clean sight...we had to come here to talk bullshit , with you misfits
lol @ misfits!
RE: Debbie runs a clean sight...
SITE, it is a SITE... not Sight.
Clowns. BFN has simply become a bunch of CLOWNS!
Watch it Easyor I'll sic my pet woodpecker on you
Watch it Easyor I'll sic my pet woodpecker on you
Dont you mean rabbit? :)
gagirl, why did you make Reality wear that stupid fairy av? (laughing)
I notice that gagirl avoided responding to many of my questions? Why, I wasnt rude as she was?
Who am I to say this, but I have the feeling we are getting out of control now. Mike, maybe it would be wise to check before posting again? It certainly would lift up the quality of this, otherwise, interesting blog.
What I observe here, is that on both sides, pro or con, most people post anonimously here. To be honest, from both sides I think only cowards do. Why not come forward with your real name? Some anonymous poster here sums up all the flaws of each individual member, but does not post his or her own name or nic name? Do you expect people to take you as a serious partner in this discussion?
And then the F-words, floating all over here. Is that necessary? Am I dealing with teenagers here, or frustrated spinsters or male tribe dancers? This is Animal Planet at its best.
To conclude, I feel rather bad about what has been said about Robin. I never had the privilege to be a mother myself, so I don´t know what it feels like to loose a child, but let´s not forget you are talking about a family that suffered a great loss, which was practically destroyed and that will have to live the rest of their life with this unmeasurable pain. We don´t have to like one another, it is just cyber space and most of us will never see each other, but let´s not forget there are some people out there that mourn and are hopelessly looking for answers.
What? You mean you did not enjoy reading the garbage I deal with and filter out on most days? I thought you were one of those that did not want me to censor posts. lol
Comments are now back under moderation and I have removed some of the most offensive, or silly posts. I’m leaving some things for the purpose of later discussion.
I am not setup to edit individual posts and I doubt I would be willing to spend that much time doing so. The post either goes through, or it doesn’t. If the language is particularly offensive the comment will get zapped, even if it has some otherwise good content. That’s just the way it is.
Thanks for the input!
- Mike -
gagirl can figure out who the anonymous posters are for you MV. ;D
Quote from Sam:
"I was smart enough to leave BFN shortly after I joined. Reality hacked my PM. Debbie says ignore Reality".
My words on that:
I feel pity I was banned, though proud that it was over the truth. I liked the blog, despite the games. I had (and still have) some nice people behind the scenes I could talk to.
I think Reality would be able to hack mailboxes and I believe it right away when it i said that the hard core excanges passwords and forward PM´s as quickly as possible and have "little phone call conferences" over it. I guess a lot of calling has been done the last days over the Dots too.
It is true that Debbie once asked me too to ignore Reality. I think deep in her heart she thinks I am right, but she can not do anything about it. That is the power of a cyber Casanova, who posts Borat semi nude pics, and tells you to get a leg over in an alley. I wonder if his spouse and teenage kids know about all of this too, including all the transatlantic phone conferences.
It is true this whole fuzz was in the air for a long time. It had to come out. I admit it too, when logging in on BFN I did not rush to the Open Natalee discussion first. Not because I don´t care, but because there is no news and we are sucking the energy out of us when repeating over and over again the usual scenario´s.
I think we can keep ping ponging back and forth on the sick influence certain people have on BFN, but the fact is that it is proven nothing will change. Unfortunately.
Not for me, please keep me banned, but for the sake of a solid and frank discussion on the Natalees case, and for a respectful way to reach out to both continents and cultures, as it is that we have to all buckle in for what is ahead of us, worldwide, and I am telling you, it will make economies collapse, it will ignite new terror and it will cause much death all around. Let´s join hands in fighting the evil forces, but then in a self reflecting way, with a lot of vision, and for BFN, get rid of the golden calf.
BFN has been the Good, Bad and now the UGLY.
Debbie is aware of the things that go on at BFN. Does she care? No! Why? because she is friends with Dave and Robin. To her being friends with Dave & Robin are the most important thing in this world. To Debbie, they are like a God. I do hope Debbie wakes up one day and smell the roses before the master calls her home.
See, Debbie has no life. This case became her life. It's overtaken her and her emotions. She can't think straight.
Then comes Reality in with his charm. He charmed Debbie because she has NO life. She is infatuated with him. She loves what HE does for her, personally. Why? because she has NO life.
Then, MIP6 joins the Debbie wagon. He has bashed this family at great links. Then he became the good guy ONLY to most BFN members.
There are a few followers of Debbie that do not like MIP6 and they speak out about it. Debbie says, Discuss the case not each other. BUT, MIP6 can say STFU and what happens? Zip!
Q. Why does Debbie allow the men at BFN to "do as they wish"?
A. because she loves the attention she gets from them.
You can draw your own conclusions.
Natasha, I find it strange that you would want to join forces with people to discredit Reality when he tried so hard to convince the Admin and myself on BFN that you were being harassed behind the scenes and you should be allowed back to post.
I dont recall Reality saying one bad thing about you.
gagirl as always, you're clueless. Natasha was harassed to no end and Debbie did NOT CARE.
Reality is a "Dirty Old Man". You're mid-life net affair is the joke of many days.
Many MANY women were harassed by Reality with his sexual pm's.
So, stop the hate! Leave Natasha alone. She is more woman than you will ever be.
lol at all you poor, poor ladies claiming harassment from Reality...there was a way to avoid's calling blocking PM's , as you well knew but you accepted them and when he found you boring and stopped communicating YOU labeled it harassment...I find him witty and charming and if I didn't I would block him like I did MV...just I can remove that block seems MV is history...hehe
Debbie is fine. She is certainly unhappy about these types of comments, but unlike you, she has a life and - in addition to her life - she is doing good work at BFN.
Seems to me you have far too much time on your hands that renders you hallucinating. Perhaps if you find a cause, a meaning to life, you would not concern yourself with what Debbie does and screaming for attention.
Getta life, getta job, getta something - you can slit your wrists for all I care - but do stop boring readers with delusional BS.
Becky, I do not know you as that name. If you posted there when I was there you were not under that name.
Reality harasses women on the open forum.
Get REAL Becky Boo.
There are times to stand up and speak the truth. This is the time.
You can sniff Debbie's crotch 4ever for all I care but right now I'm dealing with the issue at hand.
Debbie has no credibility and I will NOT stand by and allow others to be bashed when I know the truth.
I am not pleased with the direction that this blog is going but referring to Reality as witty and charming is – ridiculous. Honestly, I do not see what the fuss is about for Reality is unimportant – a real nothing.
Additionally, Mirtral Valve, though somewhat bizarre, does not deserve your distain nor is she deserving of your “history” comment. Your reckless behavior here no better than those you are attempting to bash and you are an embarrassment to BFN.
Gagirl- you find Reality so charming because he's the only perv left that will call you beautiful- get a life honey. Better yet, spend time with your HUSBAND and CHILDREN and stop having affairs with two old farts that don't know how you look in real life. And "sweetie" we ain't jealous like you'd like to think we are- your OLD pics are a joke and gawd, I don't even wanna know what 5 or 7 yrs have done to you.
And isn't it interesting that Mike leaves the door open for a bit and you guys swarm in here like you've just been waiting by the gate all this time- really, get some fresh air!
Mike, you asked some very important questions which did not get answered because the immatures from BFN swarmed in. I would also like to know how others were approached. I feel a little uncomfortable discussing it, partly because it was something I allowed for awhile. It is not jealousy that led many of us to abandon it, it was the realization of what had happened. It seemed to start so innocently. I think the post referring to mind control is not so far over the top- that was the nature of it. From what I've heard through other women, it certainly could have grown more serious, but the fact that he is in another country prevented that. Who knows otherwise. The same smooth talk is used for gagirl, she's just too dumb to see it for what it is. She believes she's really "all that."
Sorry, I don't know any of the people being discussed. I do know how boards work though. They change all the time. Sometimes its caused by new posters, old posters, changes in the news, fights between posters, many things. If someone feels they aren't enjoying their time or agreeing with a board anymore, why can't you just move on? If someone is romantically involved on the board (or cybering) so what?
If you feel you have points for discussion can't the rest just be ignored and go ahead and make your posts? If you aren't allowed to do that, then I agree, just move on to a place where you can.
gagirl said...
Natasha, I find it strange that you would want to join forces with people to discredit Reality when he tried so hard to convince the Admin and myself on BFN that you were being harassed behind the scenes and you should be allowed back to post.
I dont recall Reality saying one bad thing about you.
March 24, 2007 9:03 AM
Oh really. Gagirl you became part of the harassment and what did you mean with the blackmail crap you mentioned earlier?
BFN was a nightmare with people having multi nics and shared nics. Debbie you know about those games, as admin you can see whats going on at your blog.
The “cybering” only becomes a problem when it impacts the decisions of those that are in control. That is one of the reasons inter-office romances have become taboo over the years. Rational decision making goes out the window.
The "just leave if you don't like it" or "just block him" etc. are not as easy as you would think. First of all, people come to BFN for Natalee- remember her? They aren't aware (at first) that they are going to be "seduced" by the board casanova, that their pms will be read and monitored, that liars with multiple nics will try to befriend them to get info etc. None of this is obvious- at first. Once it starts to come to light, they are emotionally involved like any community that you would become involved with- it's not only hard to leave, it's hard to believe what you "think" might be wrong. Took me a long time to realize the people I trusted were not who I thought they were. It took a long time to realize that Robin had been played a bad hand and was being used as well. It's easy to say "just don't go" when you haven't invested 2 yrs into a case that you care about. It takes awhile to realize that the bitch of the board has bodyguards and when you cross her, you will be banned.
Hear Hear!
I just received a comment that I am not going to let go through, but I just wanted everyone to know that anonymous does not respond to anonymous posts made by anonymous people. lol
thanks for the spelling lesson
you are is spelled s-i-t-e and so is bite so b-i-t-e me
Why are you old biddy's so jealous of gagirl and reality...get a life. LMAO
"Mike, you asked some very important questions which did not get answered because the immatures from BFN swarmed in. I would also like to know how others were approached. I feel a little uncomfortable discussing it, partly because it was something I allowed for awhile..."
Thank you for attempting to actually respond to some of my questions. What do you think makes this situation happen? Are there that many people so unhappy in their real lives that this person fills a need for them?
While using one of my rather androgynous screen names at BFN, I did receive some PM’s from our subject. It was not something that I found alluring. In fact, I think I immediately blocked the jerk and let it be known I did not appreciate the filth. This guy must have more personalities than Sybil!
So easy made out he was a woman...that wasn't much of a stretch was it ?
Becky – Are you just hell-bent upon making a fool of yourself? If that is your goal, I might just give you plenty of rope today and let you achieve your objective.
NO ..I am and your biker broads are a waste of time.. AMF
Never really thought of myself as the type that would appeal to biker broads, but hey….. lol
Becky you got it all wrong.
It's Easyrider motorcycle magazine.
Not Easywriter, you dunb ass get you facts stright before talking like you know what you talking about.
Easy is a writer not a Biker.
Well seeing Mike's real photo- not the b&w above... I can tell he's hot enough to get someone better than you Becky. And to call the other BFN women old biddies and biker broads- you clearly have no idea what sort of competition you are up against. However, this is not about appearances now, is it?
And Becky, why on earth are you stickin up for reality and gagirl- you wouldn't believe the crap they say about you.
You have my sympathy Mike, for opening a big Pandora's box. However, I thank you for giving us a place to unleash. I wish you were the admin at BFN, then none of this would have happened. What is scary is that gagirl and reality will most likely change their nics and none of us will know where the snakes are.
Reality,GaGirl,Mip6 and a few others are at codetalkers Forum. Lets hope they stay there,
So we can get back to Natalee
Oh, they'll be lurking at BFN from one of their nics. I wonder how long until gagirl scares half of codetalkers away? Seriously, where does that much anger come from? She must be very unhappy with her life. I've seen posts where she attacks and its just unbelievable. Very entertaining actually. Reality will egg her on with a little "you are gorgeous" remark and away she goes until the poor soul she's eating up is banned. Then she's like: "What, what did I do? Poor me, I'm only here for Natalee, blah blah... "
RE: Becky you got it all wrong.
It's Easyrider motorcycle magazine.
Not Easywriter, you dunb ass get you facts stright before talking like you know what you talking about.
Easy is a writer not a Biker."
LMAO - This is the funniest thing! Becky is such an idiot!
ROFL, I see Becky got told! She came here to act bad and made a total fool of herself as all BFNuts do.
Mike, this was an interesting thread. A good way for everyone to tell everything they know about BFNuts. Thank you.
For those of you who wants to join the new gang, go to
The fact they moved overthere can mean two things:
1) Debbie asked them to shift the bashing from BFN to another forum.
2) They know the end of their methods are at hand and they look for another place to continue their hard core life, with in the center at least on man, Casanova, and probably also MIP6. On him I had no opinion because I never encountered him behind the scenes, but from reading your posts here, which are very revealing, I can deduct that he could be not kosher either.
My last question for today: this crisis is also not unnoticed in The Netherlands, for I have been approached by a certain magazine. Any suggestions for what I could tell them? I have not said YES yet, because I want to think of the family, I´d rather focus on the foundation.
MV – It would be extremely helpful if your people would get off their respective asses and let the world know what they have learned.
Something is very wrong about this case and Holland knows that!
Instead of criticizing the American government you could push yours toward accountability. Why are they so blind? Do they let facts slip away because of hatred of this country?
Hatred of this country? Don´t tell me Mike, you have no feeling for nuances too. I don´t hate your country. I love your country. I just don´t like the way the government is handling world affairs at the moment. Don´t worry, I don´t like Putin or Chirac either. All these politicians serve their own agenda.
BTW, the group of family members that wants the war to stop is growing fast.
Instead of criticizing the American government you could push yours toward accountability. Why are they so blind? Do they let facts slip away because of hatred of this country?
March 25, 2007 7:21 AM .
This comment is proof that you don't know a single thing about the Netherlands.
Mike, they don´t let facts slip away because of hatred of your country. Most Dutch people do not "hate" your country, they are just tired, bored and unimpressed with its policy makers. This has no effect on the NH case. If it would have been another girl it would probably be the same. It is about corruption, money, power. status, not necessarily related to the US.
You are right about moving the asses. It is really silent in our country about this topic. I do not have the slightest clue at what stage they are. I think I saw Robin post at BFN that by the end of May the family will know if the case is cold or not and if Joran will stay suspect. I am afraid it will. I am praying for a miracle. As I said on BFN, I think we can only hope for those who were involved to make a mistake, sooner or (probably) later.
Funny reading the comments I have noticed a definite trend. If anyone comes on and says something in defense of the people some of you are hell bent on attacking, they are immediately attacked, which is the same thing that you accuse myself and others of having done to you.
Leave Becky alone.. leave Aunt Cindy alone.. leave the rest of the people alone, most of your anger is because of choices or decisions that I have made. So stop attacking anyone else.
I'm reading here, give it your best shot and get it out of your systems.
Most of the time Mike will not allow me to comment anyway so I'll basically sit here and take your hits...a perfect target for most of you, that should make you feel better.
I does Gagirl, you have mad a lot of poster mad so go back to your own site codetalkers and b*tch crafting.
Go play with Reality,and Mip6.
Oh do you make time for your kids and hubby?
Leave this blog for posters who truly care about Natalee.
Gagirl, go back to BFNuts and talking Nuts and leave us the F alone!
We got your number and you can't take the heat. You are a mean, vicious, arrogant uga may ucka fe.
Boycott Aruba
Boycott BFNuts
Boycott Code talking Nuts
Justice For Natalee Holloway
Just me..That's a friggen joke! Even Mike has said this blog is not for Natalee, but for various topics and what you are doing is certainly NOT discussing Natalee Holloway. I think there was an Anon that referred to posters invoking Natalee's name though when they wanted to attack.. hmm looks like she/he was talking about you.
As for Anon... good comeback.. give me a call then let's talk.
Please BOYCOTT codetalkers! Thank you.
Gagirl 10:18 AM:Even Mike has said this blog is not for Natalee, but for various topics and what you are doing is certainly NOT discussing Natalee Holloway.
Mike, would it be possible to do a comic chapter on the casanova from Kazachstan, called Borat? Sacha Cohen is so funny in this movie.
Gagirl, I get the impression that I am not the only one that found you to be detestable. Wonder why that is…….
NP gagirl, you guys are insane there and take out your A$$. I'm happy to say I'm not a reader there or member. :) Thank you!
MV – I am stumbling my way through this blog business, but I learn a little more each day. I will see what I can do. lol
Gagirl, the problems at BFN started before you ever got there. Natasha
Gagirl, I've seen your post from Code-talkinuts at the bombshell, you are the laughing stock of the BS.
Natasha, you are correct. The problems DID start at BFNuts well before she got there.
Seriously, do we have to have all this hatred while discussing this. I would hope to have this crap resolved not continued.
Sam, do you mean they started a thread called Bombshell on Codetalkers? I bet they are laughing about it, that´s why they renovated codetalkers in the first place. To have a place to gossip, for Debbie would never allow this on BFN.
Take your time on Borat, Mike! lol
MV, no, I do not go to c-talkinuts. I was talking about the forum bombshells.
You know Mike...I have found that there are no in betweens, you either like me or you dont. And I dont go through life trying to change anyone's mind. I cant apologize for who I am and I wont. Am I a bitch, yes sometimes. Can I be an ass, yes I can be.
You talk often about the definition of a moderator, but a moderator is there to enforce the forum rules, and that is what I did. Could I have done it better? Without a doubt.
Over the past couple of years I must have spent a good deal of time on message boards, because I remember the day gagirl was introduced as a moderator at BFN. A hush fell over the room (if that’s possible on a message board) and then a slight clamor began to rattle the walls. Not a very popular move on the admin’s behalf, because most knew about the personality of the look-a-like.
Sam I did not post any bombshell posts at any forum, you are referring to Ringo's post and Ringo is not a member of codetalkers never has been.
But, please continue with your boycott.
gagirl, the problem is your attitude. I'm not criticizing you. This is the truth and my opinion. You have a nasty attitude towards people that do not share your opinion which makes you a bad mod.
Some people cannot have authority because of their attitudes and strong opinions. IMO you are one of them.
Ringo's site?
No, there is a forum called the bombshells. I was not talking about your site. I thought I cleared that up with my post to MV.
See, I remember a time when gagirl seemed to be a sweet and likeable poster. What happened? I know what happened, you fell into the games. Reality doesnt need defending, he is quite capable of defending himself. ;)
The forum rules, Gagirl:
You once told me that you never delete dubious posts (like the American troops-Jesus post) if they are not posted while you had the turn as a moderator. You would leave it up to the judgement to the mod who was on the job at that particular time. In other words following your thinking, if someone wuld burn a house you were not present at the time, you would let it burn and ring the original mod to ask if the fire should be killed.
There was a thread, however, in which you had an unpleasant ping pong debate with Jack. This topic was locked by one of the mods. But what did you do when you got back on your turn as a mod? You opened the topic for a second, to finish Jack off and close the topic back again. Remember? I asked you about it in a PM. Why you did not delete a blasphemous post on Jesus, but you did intervene when a post was posted when it was not your turn, namely on that particular discussion with Jack.
The problem here is no one seems to be backing down from arguing, including me. I have a strong opinion of BFNuts and it's a bad feeling. What goes on there is awful and disgusting. Debbie knows this. I have seen her emails to different people.
There are members there that people cannot understand why they are there when they have bashed the family. You take up for these members and no one understands.
Thats the bottom line and if this particular member has changed his mind in good faith he should make a statement. JMO
Natasha, what happened is that I stayed on too long. I should not have returned after my run in with Mike.
Reality had nothing to do with that. I take full responsibility for my actions and I wont assign blame to anyone else.
MV I did not open the topic. Mods are able to post in locked topics.
And just for the record MV I did not remove the post, I just responded to it.
It´s the same Gagirl. You abused your power as a moderator because you wanted to finsih him off (remember, i told you I could understand it because it was disgusting what he wrote). Whether you kept it locked, you wanted to have your say and you did something non-mods cannot do: give comment while a thread was locked, merely for the reason you wanted to put him in his place. It is abuse.
Gagirl said...
"You know Mike...I have found that there are no in betweens, you either like me or you dont."
Most of us learn how to deal with people and be diplomatic especially, if we are put into positions of authority. I can’t help but feel that you had but one agenda at BFN and that was the proliferation of your biased opinions.
For some of you that just don’t seem to get it I will reiterate that this is a blog. A weblog that is an expression of my ideas and thoughts about daily events. It is not “Blogs for Jane Doe, or Blogs for Bush, or Blogs for the Nedrlands or Blogs for Simians. It is a simple blog akin to a Jerry Seinfeld episode. It is much ado about nothing and I welcome the input from those that take the time to read my words.
The comment section is now free-wheeling, because I am getting a kick out of some of the posts and that is the only reason.
There are no advertisements on this blog and no pleas for pay pal donations. It is what it is and nothing more. Have fun with it along with me, or find something else to do.
I did not want to finish him off I wanted to respond to what he had said. Should I have? No.
The same way you went and started a new thread when you got upset that I had locked the one that pissed you off. Well, I was not going to start a new thread to continue the fight. That was a decision that I made.
Sam said...
gagirl, the problem is your attitude. I'm not criticizing you. This is the truth and my opinion. You have a nasty attitude towards people that do not share your opinion which makes you a bad mod.
Some people cannot have authority because of their attitudes and strong opinions. IMO you are one of them.
Sam, You are correct:
A leader is best when he is neither seen nor heard,
Not so good when he is adored and glorified,
Worst when he is hated and despised.
-Lao Tzu
True greatness, true leadershp is achieved not by reducing men to one's service but in giving oneself in selfless service to others.
-Oswald Sanders
It is the part of a good shepherd to shear his flock, not to skin it.
-Latin proverb
Gagirl skins her flock. Gagirl, your sig about defining yourself is a good idea, but it doesn't mean to beat the crap out of everyone while you define yourself. No one is asking you to apologize for your behavior anymore, we would just like you to go away and stop spreading your hatred. You must have scared all of your real friends away, which is why you need to spend 24/7 online. Such a sad, sad old biddy. Are you a biker too? You look the part, you certainly have the attitude.
Mike, I freely admit I am not a diplomat.However,I did not post much about my opinions other than the fact that there are no facts in this case and I will not call anyone guilty until they are proven guilty. I am looking for answers, nothing more. If that is what you consider an agenda then so be it.
Thank you for allowing me to respond.
Gagirl - Thank you for showing a different side of yourself. Apparently, there is more to you than one might think. Don't disappoint me with another self-induced, self-gratifying rant.
What are you complaining about then..I have left BFN. As for my friendships and my online must have plenty of time on your hands to keep up with my browsing habits..I'm touched.
LOL Mike...and I've seen a nicer side of you as well.. don't disappoint me with another blog page about one of my friends. thanks again for letting me post.
There are at least two indisputable facts in the Natalee Holloway case.
1) She left with three boys, living in Aruba at that time.
2) She has not been seen since.
From those two facts many theories have been extrapolated, but none change the obvious. Gagirl, if you left a bar with a seemingly nice fellow one night and no trace of you were found the next day, we would be asking the same questions and looking very hard at the guy you left with. People do not come together and concoct lies about things of such gravity for no reason. It just doesn’t happen.
gagirl, much more happened at BFN than you staying there too long. Debbie should deactivate herself. lol
1) She left with three boys, living in Aruba at that time.
2) She has not been seen since.
3) Everybody lie in Aruba.
Why Gagirl, my dear, you do flatter yourself to think I follow you around. Yes sweetie, you are "touched." I can read a thread just as quickly as you and I do find all this entertaining. Now, as to online time... I'm an old man (now don't get excited and send me photos since old men seem to interest you) and my family is grown. You darlin, have a husband and children that need your attention- yes? If you are the babe you want us to think you are, where is your real life?
Gagirl, you abused your power as a moderator on that particular day, on that particular thread. you even admitted it to me in a PM, when I asked you about it. Remember? You said you had a bad day and that you are human as well.
Then about my thread. I can´t remember exactly what it was about, but it must be about the war in Iraq, a country I live much closer to than most Americans. As a matter of fact, a country that has bombed the streets of Tel Aviv.
From day one there was no opportunity for foreigners like me to say a single word on this issue. It came even to the point you allowed your crowd to say "The US saves the world, only two entities have ever sacrificed their lives for humanity: The American troops and Jesus Christ".
You allow a womanizer to chase women around on the board, persuading them to send photo´s, to make long distant phone calls, in the meantime exchanging all the info he and you have about members. You allow a womanizer to bash someone like me with semi nude Borat pics on a blog about a girl who has probably been raped and killed for the glorification of this overestimated thing called sex, knowing he did that becuase I did not give him what he wanted. In short: you had your own forum rules.
snipped*You allow a womanizer to chase women around on the board, persuading them to send photo´s, to make long distant phone calls, in the meantime exchanging all the info he and you have about members. You allow a womanizer to bash someone like me with semi nude Borat pics on a blog about a girl who has probably been raped and killed for the glorification of this overestimated thing called sex, knowing he did that becuase I did not give him what he wanted. In short: you had your own forum rules.
All true. Send him what he wants and he will be your best friend.
Yep, he likes pretty pics and Mike must think we're freakin idiots for falling for it. I cannot explain the psychology behind it, but I think women are just naturally social and see it differently, we're trying to get to know people.
Mike, I agree they lied. But that does not answer the question of what happened to Natalee.
MV the day you started you own thread to vent was the same day that you got angry that I would not delete the post that said only two people have ever offered to sacrifice their life for you.. Jesus Christ and the American soldier. So you started a whole thread about it after I locked the other one.
Trey.. keep dreaming. Dont worry about my just go concentrate on your own.
Gagirl said...
Mike, I agree they lied. But that does not answer the question of what happened to Natalee.
She was repeatedly raped and murdered. The last thing she saw was the sands of Aruba as she gasped for air. Is that point-blank enough for you?
Anonymous said...
Yep, he likes pretty pics and Mike must think we're freakin idiots for falling for it. I cannot explain the psychology behind it, but I think women are just naturally social and see it differently, we're trying to get to know people.
Ive exchanged my pic with many people I post with. Sometimes its nice to put a face to the nic, especially when you are online friends. At one non NH forum, we use our pics as an avatar. Its not sinister. Reality on the other hand asks for more and more. Natasha
I never gave a thought to posting pic's of myself and my kids, until I saw them showing up on some rather nefarious sites.
It still doesn't bother me all that much. It is just a way of communicating and sharing information. Bad people are going to do what they do with or without pictures.
This is Aunt Cindy....for some reason this google account is not working for me today.
I just wanted to point out that we all have something in common, it is finding justice for Natalee. I read on 5 different sites and please know that there are alot of hurtful things written. I am a Mom and there are areas in this case where I didn't want to venture. I must be sensitive because some of those areas saddened me. BUT, those areas NEEDED to be disucssed.
I wish that we would remember that we all want the same thing. How we get there might be different and we will not always agree with the road some folks take. It might be one of those roads that turn up facts that actually find her. It just seems strange to me that all this bickering is taking place when everyone wants the same outcome. A good example is the boycott. There are alot of folks who do not agree with it, BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THEY DON'T WORK HARD TO STILL FIND ANSWERS FOR NATALEE AND HER FAMILY. Again, we won't always agree on which road each of us take, but if we all went down the same path...we might not turn up new information.
I think we all need to relax and continue our quest. For those of you who I don't agree with, I HOPE YOU FIND THE ANSWER....because, afterall, that is what we all have in common.
Mitral Valve wrote:
Then about my thread. I can´t remember exactly what it was about, but it must be about the war in Iraq
wasn't that the thread you kept accusing me of being an anti-semitic?
I never thought I would post here, or get into this fracus but I can't believe that the gagirl actually permitted a truthful post to remain, ie, ...that only two men sacrificed their lives for the world Jesus Christ and the American Soldier!! God Bless you for printing ONE and a really big Truth. What MV does not understand, or have the forsight to see coming, is that his country is filled with Islamic Extrmeists and they are worse my Dutch friend than the Nazis. So, it will not be long when you'll be crying in you Amstell and yelling for our GI's to save your stupid asses once again. In case you haven't noticed, since we have been over there, fighting, sacrificing, we have not had terrorist attacks repeated on our land. Probably wouldn't have had to suffer 9/11 if Clinton hadn't dropped the ball and refused to take custody of bin Laden when he had the chance! So criticize us all you want, when Al Caeda comes in like the Storm Troopers, if we don't have a Presidnet with guts, you'll be wearing a burka (is you're lucky)
Natasha, speak only for yourself and not all women. I am certainly not on blogs to accrue pictures of men, especially when working on Natalee Holloway case and certainly would never care to see what the likes of a filthy pig like Reality looks like.
Gagirl and Debbie must be extremely desperate women to not only desire to see his image but spend hundreds of dollars in phone calls to hear his "charming" voice spew filth over the wires. Neither is married, Gag claims to have a boyfriend, you all be the judge of that.
Aunt Cindy needs to go back to blogging at Diario Blog... She had more friends there.
GaGirl how can you be friends with MIP6 after all the Beth bashing he has done we have all read his posts.
Justme... easy question to answer.......Gagirl has a very different agenda than those who care about Natalee. She loves Aruba, believes Joran innocent, hates Christians, she is evil and on the side of Evil.
Just how many woman sent Reality pictures of themself?
How many of us got pictures in return.
Gagirl has a husband home and children she doesn't have time to play with.She is too buzy playing with MIP6 and Reality.
Natasha, speak only for yourself and not all women.
Where the heck did that come from? lol You want to be mad at me for telling what the other purpose of your blog is, so be it.
A big shout out to all the Natalee warriors!
BFNuts is for Dave & Robin, not for Beth. Beth has better judgment than Robin to come on message boards and post how great MIP6, Ramm, Reality and gagirl are.
Beth is strong, Robin is weak and needs the attention of men on the forums. (It shows Robin)!
I came on board in June 2005 searching for answers for Natalee Holloway. It's a shame and disgrace to see BFN become BFNuts.
America the Beautiful
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife.
Who more than self the country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for halcyon skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the enameled plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till souls wax fair as earth and air
And music-hearted sea!
O beautiful for pilgrims feet,
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America ! America !
God shed his grace on thee
Till paths be wrought through
wilds of thought
By pilgrim foot and knee!
O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice,
for man's avail
Men lavished precious life !
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till nobler men keep once again
Thy whiter jubilee!
God Bless America!
Rammstein isnt all that bad. hehehe
You might even be able to see he is on your side if he didnt constantly feel the need to defend Dutch law. ;) My opinion of course.
Rammstein, I never said you were an anti semitic. You are an anti zionist yes. You are part of the club of people that say "hey, the Jews are nice people, as long as they do not have their own state in the land that shaped them as a nation". You kept on coming with UN resolutions but forgot to point to the fact that Hezbollah, Hamas et all never complied with rule nr. ONE: the accept the existence of the state of israel.
And guess what: Debbie PM´ed me she would lock the topic for "somebody got out of control here" . And that somebody was you!
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