"...to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction..."

Monday, April 2, 2007

The Rosie School of Moderation


In the dark of night with only a forty watt bulb to light the way I find my keyboard covered with dust except for a few of my favorite letters. My thoughts have been inward and distracted from the everyday nuances of life. Then I hear a screeching sound coming from a distant television. The screech turns into a squawk. My head turns toward the glimmering light and through the shadows I see a CRAZY woman telling the rest of us how to think and react. The words sounded as bitter as the face looked. And, the tirade extenuated the complete, irrefutable ignorance openly displayed by the glare upon her face.

Nestled in a little corner of my brain a thought found safe harbor and began to grow. This imbecile is probably teaching small butt holes how to become BIG assholes and get no-paying jobs as forum moderators (no offense toward good moderators). A mental picture begins to develop.

In a bar off the beaten path sits a woman with a proclivity for faux leather, tattoos and stainless steel. She takes a book of matches from the oddly shaped bowl resting on the polished bake-o-lite bar. On the inside cover her eyes find the words “You To Can Moderate” followed by the number 1-big-ass-hole. Her eyes roll back in her head as she feels a moment of ecstasy. How can she resist?

She dials the number…
(This is satirical) lol


Anonymous said...

I get to be first,how cool.I can't touch Rosie and

EasyWriter said...

This is a very angry woman with an audience (for now) and she is dumber than a brick!

"Never in history have I heard of fire melting steel..."

Oh yeah? How does she think all those steel framing members were made? Sorry, but this person makes my skin crawl!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rosie is very outspoken and I can't stand her. I think she's doing it for attention. I believe she knows her time is limited on The View.

Anonymous said...


rosie is a bitch

Anonymous said...

I like her! She stands up for what she believes!

EasyWriter said...

Good for you! I’m glad you found a kindred spirit. May I ask you exactly when it was you became a traitor to your country? Or, are you from another country? Or are you just here to spread propaganda?

This woman has had an opportunity to spew her senseless nonsense across network television and I take issue with much of what she has said. I may not be 100% behind the war in Iraq, but that does not mean I support bullshit. And, that is all that is coming from that “woman!”

Steel does not grow on a farm in California. It is an alloy made of man’s efforts and fused together with FIRE! Her rant displays pure ignorance and insults thinking people.

I don’t care for the woman/person!

Anonymous said...

we have died and bled for people like rosie.i don't have to agree or like her,just allow her the right to speak and make an ass out of herself.

EasyWriter said...

No one is going to inhibit Rosie's freedom to speak her mind, but that also goes for those of us that do not agree with her idiocy. I do think that Disney > ABC > Barbara Walters are taking a great risk in letting this woman spew her venom unchecked on daytime network television. Her antics may have even temporarily increased their ratings, but it is the train wreck effect. Everyone can not control the impulse to look toward the mayhem, but eyes begin to turn away quickly.

It’s just a matter of time before she is relegated to an aging stack of yesterday’s news.

Anonymous said...

The Rosie School of Mod...

Fantastic narrative- A+!!!

Anonymous said...

Once Rosie said that about steel not melting I thought she is off her rocker. I lost a lot of friends in the WTC and for her to say stuff like that and not bring experts on to argue the point is pure recklessness on her part.

Like BOR said on his show Rosie has become a hater.

I have watched her attack Elizabeth repeatedly because they have different views. Once Rosie doesn't agree with what Elizabeth says Rosie goes on attack. She claims she is for freedom of speech but when it differs from what she is saying Rosie doesn't allow you to speak anymore she starts ranting until you stop talking.

She also claimed that the British soldiers went into Iran’s water on purpose looking to be captured. At that point I changed the channel because I had enough.

When you spew crap like that make sure you have the experts on your show to prove it.

Since when did Rosie become the expert on anything and everything.

EasyWriter said...

San - Those very things bother me about that woman! Just when did this stand-up comic become the authority on anything other than one-liners?

Barbara Walters is at fault on this deal too!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree Easy. Barbara needs to get a backbone and address this issue. If it is not Barbara then someone from ABC or Disney should tell Rosie enough is enough. If she is not stopped Disney will be doing some damage control in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Rosie has done what we've seen plenty of on the various forums we've talked about here.

She's confused Freedom of Speech with Freedom to SLANDER, HARM AND LIE.

EasyWriter said...

Imus just got a two week suspension for making some very tasteless remarks on his program, yet Rosie just keeps on ticking. Her angry, unsubstantiated smear campaign is much worse and inflammatory by design. Plus, she is not funny! What good is a loud-mouthed comedian spewing hatred, if there is no punch line?

EasyWriter said...

Well, Imus crossed a line and he is now history at MSNBC and CBS radio. Hope he saved up!

manatwo said...

am I too late to play?